Günther Sternberg paints the Saxon Stormtrooper

German figure painter Günther Sternberg has painted up the re-modelled 1/32nd Stormtrooper, Saxon Divisional Assault Company, Western Front 1917. Instead of using one of the two heads supplied in this kit, Günther has chosen one of the spare single German Heads with Steel Helmet (article No. SH44). I believe one can appreciate the quality of the painting, which is not surprising if one has seen Günther’s work before.

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Now released new 1/35th & 32nd (54mm) Heads

The 20 new heads are available in both the 1/35th and 1/32nd (54mm) scales. Below is just a selection of some of the heads.

There are also 5 new Head Sets in both 1/35th and 1/32nd (54mm) scales.

There are thoughts of bringing out a small selection of the heads in 1/24th (75mm) scale. I would appreciate any response to this idea, as to date JSM have not touched this scale. Just send me a quick email. Thanks.  

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Berlin im Todeskampf 1945

Japanese modeler Hiroshi Miura has created this lovely 1:16th scale WW2 scene showing a Volkssturm member during the final battles in and around Berlin. He has converted the JSM Bavarian NCO 1917 figure, adding the MG 08/15 and a Panzerfaust (not JSM). I really like the way that he has sculptured the pullover and extended the trousers.

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Panzer Concepts 42cm Gamma-Gerät

Canadian model-maker Gary Edmundson has built this wonderful Panzer Concepts 42cm Gamma-Gerät artillery gun & crane in 1/35th scale. The gun-crew figures he put together from the spare-box, using various manufacturer’s parts and adding some of the JSM Spare Heads from the German Field Cap Set. An interesting and complex model.

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Prussian Driver by Gunther Sternberg

German figure painter Gunther Sternberg has done a nice job on the JSM 1/32nd 54mm Prussian Driver.

For more information on this figure, or the other versions in 1/35th and 1/16th scale.

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Sapper Stormtrooper bust by Boris Kharlamov

Boris Kharlamov from Russia has sent photos of his painted version JSM Sapper Stormtrooper bust in 1/10 scale.

Boris has done a superb paint job on this subject and in a way makes the bust come alive. He changed the JSM helmet for the Young Miniatures version, then sculptured the cover over the top. I particularly like the painting of the face and the wood / metal effect on the Mauser Carbine 98 AZ, showing of cause the muzzle protector as seen on the original photo. A detail which I missed on my early 1/16th full-figure version many years ago.

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Head Sets now available

The first sets of JSM Single heads are also now available in groups of 5 in both the 1/35th and 1/32nd scales. There will be more Head Sets to follow including variations of the new Prussian Driver heads, (here the 1:35th versions) which can of cause be purchased separately.

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1:10th Scale Italian 240 Bombarda

I wanted to share these photos from Italian model maker Polo Terzi who has created this 1/10th scale World War 1 Italian 240 Bombarda Mortar. The complete diorama is scratch-built – except for the 1:10th scale JSM German and French helmets.

I have rarely seen such a perfect model as this example. Even the Carcano rifle (wood, plastic card and brass), along with the other accessories were all hand made. The French Adrian helmet has had the emblem removed and replaced with the bomber specialty badge. The small photograph depicts Santa Barbara, the patron saint of Italian gunners.

I particularly like the poppies growing in the Austrian steel helmet…a lovely touch.

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Prussian Driver Corps, 1915 now finished

The Prussian Driver full figure is now available in 1/35th, 1/32nd and 1/16th Here are just a few of the photos which I used to create this figure. Also, more examples of David Lane’s painting skills, this time just 2 photos of the 1/16th full figure version.

I will be posting more photos of all 3 full figures versions in the coming weeks.

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A rare German M16 Helmet

Italian modeller Polo Terzi has created some variations to the 1/10th scale JSM German M16 Helmet with a unique and rare camouflage pattern. Shown here is an original helmet situated in a museum in Italy.

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